Remote Tantric Energy Healing

Discover the rejuvenating and restorative power of therapeutic Tantra energy therapy

Meet your Practitioner

Curtis is a certified Tantric Remote Energy Healing Practitioner with 92 hours of training in the modality of Remote Energy Healing through Somananda Tantra School. He is also a certified Tantra Massage Therapist Level 1, having completed 85 hours of Tantra Massage training also through Somananda Tantra School.

Improve immune function

Tantric Remote Energy Healing can be used to help in the healing of almost any physical and psychological condition by enhancing the body’s capability to heal itself. It is based on the fundamental principle that the body is a self repairing entity that possesses the innate ability to heal itself.

Increase energy levels

Reinstate optimal energy flow and cleanse the energy channels. Tantric Remote Energy Healing works on the understanding that the healing process is accelerated by increasing the life force or vital energy to the affected part of the body.

Remote Sessions

Tantric Remote Energy Healing is just what it implies. It is done remotely through the use of video conferencing whether across town or across the world in the safety and security of your own space.

Unlimited Potential

Tantric Remote Energy Healing relies only on the use of energy and therefore can surpass all limitations that physical modalities cannot – mainly time, space and distance.

Healing Benefits Can Include*

Healing of chronic health issues such as pain, disease, depression, sexual dysfunctions, emotional issues, and much more
● Reinstating an optimal energy flow and a cleansing of the energy channels
● Bringing energy to the chakras, especially anahata chakra, the Heart Chakra
● Elimination of blockages and traumas on the physical, energetic, sexual, mental and psychosomatic levels
● Helping a person to realize their full sexual and orgasmic potential
● A profound spiritual awakening

*Stories, examples, and testimonials are intended for informational purposes only, and do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of individual healing sessions.

What To Expect In Your Remote Healing Session

During a session there is transmission of Prana, or healing life force energy via an aural connection between us. Prana can be directed, but is also intelligent in nature and will travel to wherever it’s needed to dissolve energetic blockages and address underlying energetic dysfunctions. In addition to pranic energy, Cosmic energy, and optionally, sexual energy can be activated at some point during the session to provide a powerful boost to the healing experience. Sexual energy from a higher point of view is creative and healing by nature. Because of its high-frequency vibration, the physical body experiences it as pleasure. It is common to experience blissful or sometimes even orgasmic sensations throughout the entire body as the energy does its healing.

Please note, this is NOT a sexual service. Sexual energy is activated in a professional manner maintaining appropriate boundaries between us. If it is appropriate in your situation and you consent to it before starting the session sexual energy will be utilized in conjunction with the pranic and Cosmic energy to amplify the healing experience.

Remote Tantra Energy Healing Session

Questions or Comments?

If you would like additional information please drop me a line below and I’ll do my best to get back to you within one business day.